

Original price was: 80,00 zł.Current price is: 60,00 zł.

“The film keeps the audience in suspense till the end. Brave and innovative solutions of exploiting Archives explore entirely new ways of treating the archive materials and provide the documentary with a completely new quality”.

Andrzej Fidyk

30 in stock



To niezwykły, wstrząsający zapis życia Kazimierza Piechowskiego (nr 918), organizatora najbardziej spektakularnej ucieczki z Auschwitz. Czterech więźniów uciekło w mundurach SS, z bronią w ręku, autem wicekomendanta obozu. Po udanej ucieczce Piechowski walczył w Armii Krajowej, za co w komunistycznej Polsce został skazany na 10 lat więzienia.


Presents complicated vicissitudes of Kazimierz Piechowski (nr 918) the last living organizer of the most spectacular escape from Auschwitz. Four orisoners wearing SS uniforms fled with weapons by camp’s commander car. After the escape Piechowski was fighting in the Home Underground Army. Due to that he was sentenced after war by communist authorieties to 10 years in prison.

Additional information

Weight 0,15 kg